About the Young Brothers & Family Bonus Chapters by Liz Isaacson
*western romance *Coral Canyon Cowboys *cowboy romance *family saga *billionaires
Hello everyone!
I'm thrilled you’re here. I aim to give you amazing weekly chapters that expand the happenings in Coral Canyon, Wyoming.
Up first, some housekeeping. This is a vibrant small town in the shadows of the Grand Teton Mountains. There are 3 families here that I've written about, and if you've missed any of their stories, I highly recommend reading them.
Series 1 - The Whittaker Brothers: https://lnk.to/WhittakerBrothersSeries
Series 2 - The Hammond Brothers: https://lnk.to/HammondBrothersSeries
Series 3 - The Young Brothers: https://lnk.to/CoralCanyonCowboysSeries
Now, technically, there's a 4th series here too - the Ivory Peaks series. We see Gray Hammond's children come up to Coral Canyon throughout several books, with Jane taking her boyfriend there for a road trip in HIS SIXTH SWEETHEART (book 6 in the series.)
You can read it here: https://lnk.to/IvoryPeaksSeries
The chapters you read in the beginning will take place AFTER Luke's romance in LUKE, which came out on September 5, 2023. The timelines get a little whacked up, I know. For example, LUKE takes place the summer of Jane Hammond's senior year. (Spoiler alert - you'll see her in LUKE!) But HIS SIXTH SWEETHEART is over a decade later...
Therefore, you have to remember that if I provide chapters from the Hammonds, Gray's children will be younger. So will Wes's - at the end of LUKE, his oldest son, Michael, has gone into the military about 2 years prior. His romance in HIS FIFTH KISS takes place AFTER THIS.
I know. It's a lot. But just be aware of that. Trust me, I have timelines from here to Timbuktu!
Be sure to come and participate in all the fun!